This is a reactionary post. Nearly every time i read a blog post from a woman I'll call Mary, I want to respond. It either triggers a cascade of my own thoughts or the same pattern of memories. Or both.
So here's one of those cascades.
Mary wrote recently about her grandson's piano recital. She featured a photo of him with his teacher, looking a little worn out.
I thought of my first piano teacher, Marge, who was drunk. She loved it when I played the Moonlight Sonata. She'd go into reveries, lifting her hands up and down and smiling with her eyes closed, as if she were floating. Now bare in mind that, at the time, I had no idea Marge was drunk. Ever. In fact, it wasn't until years later when she was found dead...oh never mind. I loved Marge. We all get out of here in a box and when I knew her, she was very much alive. She was an exciting teacher. It was like being taught by that Bugs Bunny cartoon Witchy-Poo character. She cackled. She yelled when you didn't practice. She waved her arms in the air in reverie. Who wouldn't like that kind of attention?
Marge helped me get good. In fact, I was chosen to represent the entire fifth grade at my school's talent show. I played Für Elise. i didn't know then that the title means 'For Elise.' My sister's name is Elise. I played Beethoven in the fifth grade for my sis. She also took piano lessons from Marge. Sometimes Marge made Elise cry. I don't remember ever crying because of Marge. I think when she yelled at me I had to hold my cheeks to keep from laughing. Who could be frightened by Witchy-Poo?
Anyway, Mary wrote about how a kind of tension is created in recitals with an audience of mostly parents and relatives invested in their performer's success, and the young performer who plays false notes, has false starts, and sometimes panicked, heavy breathing.
I haven't had a recital in years. I have experienced panicked, heavy breathing.
Is it too late to pick up piano playing again? Or singing? Maybe I could practice some of my favorite vocal pieces and throw a recital of my own just for the chance to stand up and bow. If I had a vocal recital, would you come? What songs would you hope to hear? Would you wave your hands in reverie? Would you be drunk?